Industrial Programmable Logic Controllers : PLC device / add on
pls / plc controlled analog multiplexer / demultiplexer , schematic .
6 x digital channel and 1 x analog channel used by the PLC to make this multiplexer work.
In this example the analog inputs are 4 - 20mA none floating loops. The 1 x analog output to the PLC is 2-10VDC.
74HC/HCT4067 is the 16ch analog multiplexer/demultiplexer circuit used in this example.
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32 channel analog multiplexer
64 channel analog multiplexer made easy . A simple 2bit expander make four 16 channel analog multiplexers work like one 64 channel.
128 channel analog multiplexer made easy
4 - 20 mA current loop .
Interresting examples: AD693 and AD694 from Analog Devices.
contact: Joar Falstad
phone: +47 99718408
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