Advanced Public Address System.
Spot announcing machine.
Multi functional and logical.
First version made in mid 90's . Win95 VB3, ISA
Latest version Win7 , VB6. USB
USB I/O test equipment Advantech USB 4751 + Advantech PCLD-8761, pwr supplies, wireing , 24 input control box
Latest Software: Jo Tech Service Public Address System . ( USB / 32 bit universal windows program , win 7 tested ok )
Latest Adapter: Advantech USB 4751. ( railmount USB digital I/O
interface )
Protocol used: The videly used I/O industry standard 8255, mode 0
Schematic example 1: Using an industrial rail mount USB interface and standard amplifier racks.
Schematic example 2: Similar with a different interface and standard audio racks.
Schematic example 3. A Norwegian passenger & cruise ship is now using this solution as an addon to its Stentofon AlphaCom / Zenitel Marine ACM intercom system : Simple interface to add our PA System to an intercom or telephone system, connected as a station with programmable direct access keys.
100V PA Amplifiers PA Security
Real time audio noise reduction hardware made easy.
Design of a 100V speaker network.
Local entertainment system with HDMI video and a separate audiosystem
Command controlled local entertainment system
A typical user panel.
Select one of the pre recorded voice alarms or info messages, and push the button. Led will indicate status.
Schematic example 4. Speaker loops impedance control. A function to come in next program version. The picture is from an earlier version.
Separately Addressed Microphones, Separately Addressed Pre recorded Emergency Voice Alarm Messages, Separately Addressed Pre recorded Messages, Separately Addressed Fixed Messages / Weekly Controller, Separately Addressed Pre recorded Announces / Spot Announcing Machine, Addressed Program Distribution. This program , a PC , Advantech USB-4751 48 x digital I/O + I/O terminal board, PA amplifiers , speakers, microphone panels, firemans alarm panel, outputs from critical alarms, local panels to activate pre recorded addressed messages and a program source for addressed background sound, makes a professional and cost efficient PA systemfor public areas like airports, ferries, railway stations, schools, passenger & cruise ships, stores, super markets.
Addressed Microphones, this function invokes an advanced programmable pa
group controller .
microphones and Firemans alarm panel have highest
priority. Microphones are not logged .
Separately AddressedPre Recorded additional Voice Alarm Messages. T here are multi priority inputs in 1 to 24 levels with shown hardware ( max 48 levels available ), all alarms are logged, all inputs have separate messages, separate adjustable alarm message repeat and separate groupname to control the Public Addressing and critical relay outputs. The alarms are activated via direct inputs from other alarm devices or by "the alarm selector and the alarm start button" in local panels . This function have priority above the announcing machine.
Separately AddressedPre Recorded info Messages are activated by "the message selector and the message start button" in local panels . As an example: by the reception / bus drivers / tourist guides . Info Messages are not logged and have separate priorities like alarm messages.
Separately AddressedFixed Messages / Weekly Controller with 21 fixed messages with separate distribution addressing. It also control the announcing start / stop function . Priority belowe microphones, alarm messages and info messages, but above announces.
Separately Addressed Announces / Spot Announcing Machine.Every announce has it's own data file with separate address data and start / end date. Priority in lowest level. 32767 output address patterns are available in this function. The digital outputs are used to control speaker lines and relay outputs
Addressed Program Distribution :Addressing of this function is controlled via group named "Background" and have no priority. Program audio is connected to aux input on the amplifier's. A muting circuit controlled by the PC program and external inputs is used to cut the program source while other functions are active.
Manual Address Preset Output Panel / Program ON/OFF. 1. If any I/O input is active : "Program " = OFF. 2. If "I/O output 47" is active : "Program " = OFF 3. If I/O output 48 is active : "Manual Address Panel " is disabled.
Free relays can be used as separate output logic, indirectlycontrolled by I/O inputs via an output address pattern , indirectly controlled by a fixed message or indirectly controlled by an announce.
Verified input address values . Two equal I/O readings with a 0.25 sec. timeslot, is necessary to activate any Digital I/O input. This function is implemented to avoid phantom calls.
USB adapter supported , manual + driver downloads : Advantech USB-4751 , Latest universal 32 bit Windows Driver for USB-4751 series
Installing Windows 2000/XP Device Driver from CD-ROM. - Step 1: Insert the CD-ROM disc into CD-ROM. - Step 2: The installation program will be launched automatically. If it is not started, you can execute the corresponding driver manually under d:\driver directory if d: is the CD-ROM. Then choose concerned to install. - Step 3: Follow the on-line description, you can install them with ease. - Step 4: Power off and install hardwarem - Step 5: The operation system will find and install the driver for hardware when OS start.
Some of the Advantech Input / Output terminal boards suitable for the USB-4751:
Advantech PCLD-8761 is a combined 24-ch relay output and 24-ch opto insulated digital input board .
Advantech PCLD-782B is an 24-ch Opto-insulated D/I board.
Advantech PCLD-785B is a 24-ch Relay Output Board ,
Advantech PCLD-885 is a 16-ch Power Relay Output Board.
General notes: After connection or reconnection to another USB port, exit the announcing program , turn the PC off , then restart the PC . When using an USB expander it must have external power supply.
Setup and Function test: use Advantech Device Manager
About: This ( USB / XP ) program version was written in Visual Basic ver. 6 .
Original program version was written in VB3 ( year 1995 / ISA / Win 95 )
It is now possible to invoke any external wav file editor to make gong files, fixed announces, alarm audio files and also to repair or remake announcing audio files.
" FreeAudioEditor " is highly recommended .
Others :
Audio file type = *.wav
Audio file directory. Example: \ann1vb6\sound
Write the path to your Audio editor . Example : options > catalogs > \programfiles\audacity\audacity.exe
A good wav file editor with noice reduction is a must while using our spot announcing program.
Usergroups : In public areas like airports , markets , railway stations , passenger ships , ferries, stores & other .
Program filosofy.
We make software to combine standard Industrial I/O cards and a multimedia PC .
The idea is to make the use of low-cost , massproduced industrial I/O cards in conjunction with a multimedia PC easy , yet powerful and flexible. Such programs make the PC become a controlcenter that opens for new, extended use, in a wery easy way.
Our advanced multi functional Public Address System ( US-Ver. ) is one program we made from this idea .
Anvanced automatic Spot announcing machine + functions related to a MultimediaPC >>>
Audio record / play , announcing file control with no software limit of announces lenght or file numbers , timer control , control of 21 fixed messages , different gong signals .
Announces, messages and gong signals are all found as wav files .
The composer of soundfiles ( alarms, gongs, fixed messages, announces ) & functions related
Fixed Announcements. Start / stop announcing.
Announcement controller
Functions related to the Advantech 4751 USB , 48 x digital I/O :
Addressed Microphones, Pre Recorded Voice Alarm messages, Pre Recorded info Messages, I/O manager, Voice Alarm manager .
Detailed control of Microphones, Messages andAlarm inputs / outputs / alarm manager & Alarmlog - All alarm and messages have separate routing - Microphones have separate routing - All announces have separate output routing ( maximum 48 I/O outputs x 32767 patterns / organized as groupnames ) - input priority in maximum 48 levels - All 21 fixed messages have separate routing . Output relays to control speaker lines and output logic.
The combined microphone / alarm / message input & output pattern I/O controller
Syncronized onscreen I/O controller outputsand real outputs ( LED's ) . First ISA version, mid 90's. experimental hardware.
The Alarm control & reset
The alarmlog
"Hardware Setup " :
Detailed hardware setup
User Setup: 4 inputs from a total of 32 inputs + 16 outputs , made available for the user with this setup example.
This page is from an early ISA verision of the program .
The most important Keywords / Functiones in our Multi functional Public Address System
Alarm repeat : separate On / Off and repeat interval adjust. The demo version have common On / Off and repeat interval adjust
Announcing files : controlled by timers and start / end dates, select any groupname to control message routing, no software limit of announceslenght or file numbers . Announcing function is paused while any microphone or alarm input is active.
Alarm files : Alarm1, Alarm2 ... Priority messages. Writes to Alarmlog . Filename and Groupname are equal. Separate alarm files function .
Alarmlog: Logfile used by Alarm input . Printout / display on screen .
Digital I/O Board : Latest version is using USB.
Erase Announce : Manually or automatic , one announce at a time.
Error Control : An advanced automatic data input repair and program procedure bypass function , latest program procedure bypassed is displayed.
File Capacity : Wery high if you have a big harddisc. In practice there is no capacity limit.
Fixed announses weekly : ( morning, preclose, cose ), all days in a week . Separate time and address control of 21 fixed messages .
Gauge : message lenght in play mode . Graphical function inside program code. Not implemented in demo version.
Gauge :remainingpause to next message . Graphical function inside program code. Not implemented in demo version.
Gong files : Different functions have different gong signals. ( Alarms , announces, fixed morning / preclose and closing messages )
Groupnames :Used by any wavfile to direct microphones , gongsignals, announces, or alarmmessages to predefined areas by activating groupname related Digital Output pattern . maximum level of groupnames/output patterns: 32767
Standard Intput group board USB : A terminal board 24 insulated inputs + 24 relay utputs in this example. A total of 48 I/O , organized in 6 groups of 8 I/O
Inputs are used to adaptmicrophone panels, alarms and message panels .
Messages are activated from local panels by bus drivers, staff and others.
Microphones and Firemans alarm panel : Microphone has the first priority levels when paging . Microphone is also used to make announces, fixed messages, Alarm messages etc .
Output group board USB : The standard terminal board has 24 insulated inputs + 24 relay utputs in this example.
OS: April 2010: Windows XP version tested ok..
Play Announce : Multifunction controlled by both the program setup and the announcefile itself.
Priority : Microphones & alarm inputs w / 48 priority levels available in program.
Program Distribution :Addressing of this function is controlled via group named "BACKGROUND" and have no priority.
Save Announce : An audio wav file and additional info like start date, end date , alarm setting , speakers routing , is saved on two equally named files.
Service: Phone / Internet / program updates.
Usersetup : Userfriendly Digital I/O manager. ( 48 channels controlled by user )
Weekplanner : Welcome, closing in 10 minutes, closed / welcome back , openingtimes , announcing times .
Demo Note! Demo Note! Demo Note! Demo Note!
To unzip an ultimatezip file : search for "free ultimatezip"
You can also find a free program version on this site:
DOWNLOAD ( XP version ) The ultimatezip file have full path info. Check on to use folder names and extract to c:\ . Use `nnouncedemo\announce.exe to start the program.
The demo program is an US version. Before starting this program make sure Windows global setting is correct .
Control panel / Global settings : Region / Language = English(USA), ( Timeformat : with AM/PM )
At message: "Wrong Type" . Wrong "Global Settings" may corrupt files in \announcedemo\setup\ . Backup files are found in \announcedemo\setup\setup\
The free USB demo version will not work with the latest USB driver.
Latest update of the demo USB version : may 06/2009.
announcedemo.exe and catalog.dat are the latest updated files.
Demo Note! Demo Note! Demo Note! Demo Note!
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We will ask you to respect the copyright or intellectual property rights of others .
Domain: ( registered on 20-03-2001 )
phone: +47 99718408
A big company has now taken the same domain name . " jotech "
To protect our site and keep it seen on the internet ,
we'll continue to add nice pictures , mostly from Norway.
Norway, Efjord
Norway, Efjord
South Africa, Cape Town
South Africa , Cape Town
Norway, Ekne
Still in good shape. Nostalgy from the 70's , With Vital 15 feet
Norway , Ekne
Norway, Fosen
Norway , Trondheim , Nidelven river
Norway , Malvik , the ghost tree
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